Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Madison Trip

Currently Listening to: Gray Sky Morning by Vertical Horizon

This post is long overdue.

I got back from the Malaysian Midwest Games on Monday. Man oh man, the muscle aches last the whole week. I've been sleeping like a baby more than 12 hrs a day. Not nice considering that I am a lady *ehem..*

I was soooo in need of a road trip. Phhhewww.

I am so glad that I made new friends. Those people I met over there are very nice to talk to. A breath of fresh air. This year was my second year going to the Midwest Games. The difference between this year and last is that we won 1st place!!!!! My bf and his buddies beat those mofos from other universities. Yeah...woooot wooot. And .... to top it off... my babaayyyy won MVP.

To tell you the truth, I was kinda scared being the only supporter for our team. Well, it was me and Fyfy. Man..check out the Nebraska team. They had water girls, gatorade girls, towel girls, mop girls. Shoooot. We had to make it clear to our team. "This team is a self service team, mmmkay!!!" hehehe... We went against the undefeated team of all time. But this time we were so strong because the guys practiced like day and night. Go Missou...ri!!! Hu rarara!!

The first day, we had 4 games. We won all of them so we got to go to the final round the next day. But all of those happiness had to change cuz my bf lost his wallet and cellphone. Talk about an all time stress. We had to file a police report, canceled his credit card, suspended his cell phone. I felt like I was about to puke because I was so mad. How could someone took his stuff. How mean!!! Aaaaargh. Lets just say the aura that night was not pleasant. He took his anger to basketball court. He said, "alright guys, I didn't lose my wallet and cell for nothing." It worked!!! He scored lotsa points on the final game against WMU. Whooooottttt!!!!

That night we went to the closing ceremony. I felt like I was somewhere in more like in Padang because of the way the Malaysian people speak you know. reminded me of the movie datuk maringgih..hehehe... berpantun ria!!! I had lotsa fun there learning about their culture. The dances are pretty much the same. They have a dance just like Saman but they call it Dikir Barat. Good experience. I felt so proud of the team when they went up on stage to receive their gold medal.

Oh... bf found the wallet and cell the next morning before we left for home. Guess where he found them? The front desk of the hotel. BF went outside to smoke and the attendant recognized him from the ID. It turned out that the stuff fell out of his unzipped bag and luckily a guest found them and returned them to the front desk. Knuckle head.

Life is pretty boring once I landed in STL. Back to reality...Ooops there goes gravity ...*eminem mode*

Summer here I come. Bring the fun people right over!!!!!!!



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