Sunday, August 27, 2006


My bf has been getting little sleep.

Which caused him to be cranky, moody... even though I could tell that he was trying to hide all of that.

It turned out that someone broke his heart.

No, no... I didn't break his heart.

After a few hours of interrogations he finally confessed.

SITI NURHALIZA is the girl behind his heartbreak.

She married Datuk K.

He's so heart broken that he messaged all of his guy friends on msn just to talk about the wedding.

Sorry, honey.... you just have to get over it, because the rest of Malaysian guys are having their heart broken too.

hehehehe..... I'm having a field day teasing him about it.

Just to add wood to the fire, I sent him youtube video of her wedding for him to see.

I'm evil..mmmmuahahahahaha...


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Good Riddance

Today I chose to revisit the time when the bad things in the world just didn't seem to exist.

I miss High School.

Stinky hallway, stupid HS boys, cute HS boys, abercrombie & fitch era, plaid mini skirt, Coach Penn, German class, ditching math class to walk around the football field with the girls & talk about nothin, detention for chewing bubble gum, ditching class in general for Mc. D, sitting on the floor to enjoy lunch with the gang, being chased by Clayton for soda money, chasing Clayton to pay up 4 years worth of soda money, getting kidnapped by the guys unwillingly and drove around the block just for fun, STUCO late night meeting, Paula Abdul aerobics, football games, field hockey practices, grass candle, running 3 miles in 100 degree weather, Coach Helen's nonsense Australian accent, slurpee, homecoming dance, parties, prom night, falling asleep on Ms. Burgoyne's couch with 5 other people, staring at hot underclassmen running tracks, driving around with the girls in a convertible, calling shot gun to fight for the best seat in Preethi's beat up car, krispy kreme donuts, eating snow from the ground from being dared, group hugs, laughters...

and the list seems to go on and on.

So take the photographs, and still frames in
your mind
Hang it on a shelf in
good health and good time
Tattoos of memories
and dead skin on trial
For what it's worth it was worth all
the while...

~Green Day


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I think I have shopping fever. No no...not the kind that makes you wanna shop non stop. It's actually quite the opposite.

I consider myself as an avid shopper. Swipe this swipe that. Gosh.. why did they even invented credit cards anyway. It's a tiny plastic that does wonder..hehehe... It's not like I buy some important stuff. I buy unnecessary things like lotions that I don't need, soap that I bought just because it was on sale, lipsticks....tooooons of stuff. It was exciting at the mall, but when I got home, it was like, "What the hell did I do?" and I regret my action when I look at the receipt.

But then a miracle happens.

I went to the mall last week and BOOM!!! my appetite of shopping is gone. I walked in to GAP and walked out 3 minutes later. I walked in to Forever 21 and walked around and around thinking, "Do I need this? Do I need that?" and walked out with nothing. Hmmm....interesting.....

Why a sudden change?

The answer is simple. I have finally matured!!!! :P yeahhhh right...

You see, I have learned to appreciate money because I now work in a restaurant as a waitress. I get 3 dollars tip here.... 10 dollars tip there... and finally I have learned to appreciate money.

"Money doesn't grow on trees," they say.

It's true. It doesn't.

I am no longer a shopping queen. I've proudly given that tittle away.

I'm patting myself in the back :D


Monday, August 07, 2006


I would like to thank PASTEL MAKCIK for the super delicious pastel and sambal in the whoooolee wiiide world. :D and thank you Ms. C for Taro rumput laut, minyak kayu putih, Beng Beng, cokelat Top. ahhhh... pleasures!!!!
